Children visit the OneOak tree
Three hundred primary school children have been learning about trees and forestry by taking part in Sylva’s OneOak project.
nurturing a wood culture, growing a future
Three hundred primary school children have been learning about trees and forestry by taking part in Sylva’s OneOak project.
Children from Bladon C of E Primary School visited the OneOak tree this week. Will found a caterpillar on a leaf. We found a tree which has been cut down and Jake found it and we liked to climb on it too. Ben and Jake. When we were being scientists we worked out the height…
We have received some stunning images of the canopy of the OneOak tree. These were taken when Forest Research scientists visited the tree last week to measure it. Using a fisheye lens fitted to a digital camera, they took hemispherical images looking up into the tree canopy. This produced a complete circular image taking in…
We met at the tree with Jenny and Mhairi from the Oxfordshire Forest School Service this week. We are delighted to announce that the Oxfordshire Forest School Service will be a partner in the OneOak project, and that Mhairi MacGillivray-Edwards, an experienced Forest School Leader, will be leading the school visits to the OneOak tree…
Matt and Ian from Forest Research visited the tree today. They work with the government research agency as scientists specialising in tree measuring or ‘mensuration’. Matt brought along a hemispherical camera – basically a normal camera fitted with a fisheye lens. A fisheye produces a picture that takes in an amazing 180 degrees field of…
Foresters Paul and Nick from Blenheim Estate meet to discuss the tree felling and the public launch of the OneOak project.
We are delighted that the OneOak project is now underway. The project website has been launched, and work with our six partner primary schools in Oxfordshire is now well underway. About 300 school children will be visiting the tree this term and will be working with us on the project in many different ways –…
We have now completed our first quarter since becoming a charity in late March. It has been an eventful and rewarding three months, with many of our ideas beginning to turn into reality. Some of our most major developments are still some months away, but now may be a good time to review our progress…
Sylva plants ‘message’ trees at Wood Festival – May 2009 Our Director of Forestry, Alistair Yeomans, gave a tree talk and then, with the help of the festival goers who braved the rain, planted 10 special ‘message trees’ to celebrate Oxfordshire’s woodlands. The Wood Festival was held at Braziers Park for the second year running. …
The Conference Proceedings written and compiled by Sylva have now been published are available on our think-tank website. Click on the image. Hemery, G. E. (2009) Timber, mutton or fuel? Debating the economics of land use and forestry. Institute of Chartered Foresters, National Conference 22-23 April 2009, Cardiff. pp. 37.