Children from Bladon CofE Primary School visited the OneOak site last week – or as some children called it the ‘NoOak’ site! They explored the star-shaped tree stump and marvelled at how different the woodland looked compared to when they last visited: sun instead of snow, brackens and ferns rather than mud, and a large hole in the sky where the OneOak’s giant canopy once shaded the woodland floor.
The children have also been busy writing poems inspired by the project. Here is one from Holly Topping, age 9.
Where Are You?
Where are you? Asked the blackbird
Looking for a place to nest.
I’ve been cut down by the forester.
Where are you? Asked the grey squirrel
Hunting for acorns to eat.
I’ve been lifted on a truck and been carried away.
Where are you? buzzed the bee
Trying to find some where to make a hive.
I’m drying out at the sawmill.
Where are you? asked the woodpecker
Pecking in the bark looking for bugs.
I’m being carved into chairs.
Where are you? Tweeted the blue tits
Peering around for a place to land.
I’m being made into beams for houses.
Where are you? Shouted the children
Planting lots of acorns.
I’m being made into something for you.
By Holly