There are a number of ways that you can donate to support our work:
- ROOTS FUND – give a one-off donation or set up a regular payment to support our work.
- SYLVA FRIENDS – give regularly to support our work and receive unique insights. Choose between individual, family, or corporate membership options.
- Consider supporting some of our specific activities that may be of interest to you:
- WOOD SCHOOL FELLOWSHIP – support young craftspeople graduates
- ORCHARD CROPSHARER – purchase a share in our community orchard
- REMEMBER US IN YOUR WILL – consider leaving a legacy.
If you prefer, you can download our simple donation form which includes Gift Aid details, and send this to us by post.
Sylva Foundation Roots Fund
By inspiring young people, providing innovative software for woodland owners, supporting craftspeople and undertaking important research, Sylva Foundation is helping nurture a wood culture. We rely on the support of people like you who share in our vision. Any donation is extremely valuable and will support work that, like the roots of trees, is far-reaching and resourceful, underpinning our essential work.
Sylva Friends
The Sylva Friends scheme is for anyone who shares our vision for a society that cares for nature while living in harmony with it. We hope you may be interested in becoming a Sylva Friend because you love what we do and how we do it.
By joining the Sylva Friends, you will genuinely become a friend of our dynamic small charity. Your collaborative support will help us make a genuine difference in this world. Together, we will nurture a stronger wood culture, and grow an even better future.