A Climate Change Accord was launched last Friday at the CLA Game Fair held at Harewood House. The Accord is one of a number of actions underway in a campaign to promote resilient woodlands (read more).
So far 26 organisations have been added as signatories to the Climate Change Accord: a Call for Resilient Forests, Woods and Trees. These include: Climate Ready, Confederation of Forest Industries, Country Land and Business Association, Cumbria Woodlands, Deer Initiative, Forest Enterprise England, Forest Research, Forestry Commission England, Future Trees Trust, Grown in Britain, Institute of Chartered Foresters, Lockhart-Garratt, Mersey Forest, National Forest Company, Natural England, Oakover Nurseries, Oxford Biodiversity Institute, Royal Forestry Society, Small Woods, Sylva Foundation, Timber Strategies, Trees Please Nursery, Tubex, UPM, Woodland Heritage, Woodland Trust.
“We believe that it is necessary to act now to provide a secure future for our forests, woods and trees, that significant changes are required to widely-accepted and practiced systems of management to make them resilient, and we are committed to help realise the vision set out in this Accord.”
Alongside the launch of the Accord we are co-ordinating a new national survey (under the British Woodlands Survey series) aiming is to help understand progress in awareness and actions in adapting to environmental change among woodland owners and managers (including agents), tree nursery businesses, and forestry professionals. If you represent any of these we are very keen to give you a voice and to listen to your views. Please take part in the British Woodlands Survey 2015