MICFor CHort
Alistair is a Chartered Forester and Chartered Horticulturist. He works with universities, NGOs, government and business to develop systems that advance our understanding and management of ecosystems. His experience of running land-based businesses helps ensure these technologies are designed for the target audience. Alistair, originally a member of staff at Sylva, has worked closely with Sylva colleagues to develop Sylva’s suite of web tools. In collaboration with Oxfordshire-focussed environmental organisations he helped produce – In a Nutshell – a strategy for the sustainable management of Oxfordshire’s woodlands and trees. Recently, with the Horticultural Trades Association, he developed the Plant Healthy web-tool which aims to improve plant biosecurity in the horticultural trade. He now works closely with the Plant Health Alliance to protect plant health and improve biosecurity measures in the UK and internationally.