Sylva Wood Centre people meet for the first time in the partially completed first building. Left to right: Paul Orsi (Sylva), Mary Cowdry, Rodas Irving, Simon Clements, Chris Boreham, Chris Osborne, Neil Scott, Ted Dorey.
Earlier this week the first tenants and users who will move into the Sylva Wood Centre met together for the first time. This was a major milestone for us at Sylva and it was exciting to witness new acquitances made, and even more so when talk of collaboration and sharing soon echoed around the building site. Some users will be moving in on April 1st, with others following soon afterwards.
- Mary Cowdry, Mary’s Chairs: has a start-up furniture restoration business, and will be taking up one of our Incubation Units.
- Rodas Irving, Oxford Oak: specialises in outdoor furniture and small buildings using home-grown oak. www.oxfordoak.co.uk
- Simon Clements, Wood Carving and Sculpture: is taking a commercial unit and plans to run training courses. www.svwccarving.com
- Chris Boreham, Bespoke Woodwork: has a fledgling furniture business, and will be taking up one of our Incubation Units.He has already agreed to undertake work with Neil Scott to help subsidise his own making. www.chrisboreham.co.uk
- Chris Osborne, Timber Tech Global: is informally involved at present and is already mentoring some of the users.
- Neil Scott, Neil Scott Furniture Ltd: has a successful London-based business which he is relocating to the Sylva Wood Centre. www.neilscottfurniture.com
- Ted Dorey, is a retired master craftsman, and will be supporting our education and training activities at the centre.
Do you run a wood-based business or dream to establish one? We have some remaining space available for both commercial tenants and business start-ups who work in wood. Read more