Today we launched a database for Forestry Horizons.
Some 25 different publications are now fully searchable and links to downloadable files or online resources have been streamlined. We have also added an RSS subscription so that notification of our latest publications can come direct to reader’s inboxes if they choose to subscribe.
Some Forestry Horizons highlights
- Collaboration with scientists across Europe in writing two peer-reviewed papers during 2009:
The modern silviculture of walnut.
A review of risks and opportunities for broadleaves across Europe in the light of climate change. - Leading role in EU COST Action E42 concerning the growing of valuable broadleaves. Co-ordinated and edited the Final Report for 100 scientists from 25 countries.
- Completed two consultation research reports with our partner BioRegional concerning woodfuel resource estimatation and planning.
- Two research contract reports for UK Government Organisations – for Forest Research and for the UK Land Use Policy Group.
- Central role in the T10Q project and supervision of a DPhil student at the University of Oxford studying the use and application of evidence-based policy in forestry.
- Co-ordinated and edited Proceedings for national conferences of the Institute of Chartered Foresters: 2008, 2009.
Global Forest Information System
We have linked the database with the Global Forest Information System (GFIS), thereby promoting our resources more effectively to a the worldwide forestry community.
GFIS provides a framework to share forest-related data and information through a single gateway. It promotes the dissemination and sharing of forest and tree-related information and knowledge among the global forestry community by developing common information exchange standards, building capacity and enhancing partnerships among forestry information providers and users.