Maps for management plans – developing the myForest woodland mapping system
Following feedback from myForest users and the Forestry Commission England (FCE) we are working currently to develop myForest’s woodland mapping system to create the maps required for the FCE’s grant schemes.
Richard Edwards from LC Energy has been working with Sylva to identify the requirements for the system and how we develop the Forest web service to produce the range of specified maps. We aim for these maps to relate directly to the myForest management planning system and thereby meet the required mapping standards for the FCE’s Woodland Planning Grant.
Prior to joining LC Energy in September 2011, Richard worked as a woodland officer for the FC South East of England Region. Here he gained extensive experience of the grant schemes and the practical challenges and opportunities facing woodland owners across the South East.
Richard’s role with LC Energy is as the timber manager and he is buying c 50,000 tonnes of sustainably sourced timber per year for numerous woodfuel contracts, including the supply of woodchip to Heathrow airport.
Sylva aims to add the new features and functions to the myForest mapping system in 2012. As always we appreciate any input from myForest users so that we can create a user-friendly mapping system that meets the necessary requirements of the FC.