13th May – Harcourt Arboretum event – myForest – Enhancing the Southern Oxfordshire forestry sector
Sylva and the Oxfordshire Woodland Project (OWP) are holding a joint event as part of the LEADER funded project to support woodland owners and managers in the Southern Oxfordshire LAG area, in the mapping and managing of their woodlands. The SO LAG area covers the Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire.
Sylva is working in partnership with the OWP to work on the enhancement of Southern Oxfordshire’s forestry sector with a view to achieving a range of benefits that go hand in hand with ecologically and economically thriving woodlands.
Through the myForest service, the project aims to encourage woodland owners to link with local wood-using businesses, such as sawmills and woodfuel merchants and for Southern Oxfordshire to establish itself as a leading area in demonstrating how forestry can contribute to sustainable rural economies.
This day will demonstrate how to carry out a simple woodland inventory, providing attendees with an understanding of how to assess woodland for tree species, quality and site considerations as these provide a first step towards sustainable woodland management.