Oxfordshire Forest School Leaders in training
As part of their Level 3 Forest School training, teachers from schools across Oxfordshire were introduced to woodland management theory and practice on Thursday November 27th at the Hill End Outdoor Education Centre. Sylva’s Education Manager Jen Hurst worked in partnership with Oxfordshire Forest School Service trainers Sarah Lawfull and Mhairi Macgillivray-Edwards to deliver the training.
As part of Sylva’s myForest for Education project, the Forest School trainees were led by Jen around a Forest School site. The Forest School Leaders mapped the site, carried out a tree inventory and ecological impact assessment. We had lively and informative debates about management issues such as tree pests and diseases, woodland habitat enhancement, developing areas for children’s play and exploration and wood production. Jen signposted the trainees to the wealth of organisations and information that exist in the forestry sector for further support and information on woodland management.
A Forest School Leader commented:
“Thank you for a great session, this will really help me do my own management plan for my forest school site.”
The training day also provided Sylva with further user feedback that will help in the development of the new version of ‘myForest for Education‘, which will be launched in March 2015.