Our TreeWatch web platform has received a major update following feedback from partners and volunteers during our 2011 pilot.
We hope that our new strapline captures perfectly the importance of our work in supporting a healthy future for our trees with the help of everyone with an interest in nature and trees …
“People power for healthy trees“
Trees and forests are facing unprecedented threats from an ever increasing number of pest and pathogens. Already in 2012 we have been alerted to the first ever reports in the UK of the serious pest the Asian Longhorn beetle, and the pathogen Chestnut blight, which has killed 3.5 billion chestnuts in the US.
The new homepage for TreeWatch enables volunteers to read a short summary about our current surveys, and with a single click go to the survey page. A live map shows the distribution of adopted trees.
We listened to the views of users during our 2011 pilot and have made significant changes to the structure of the website. The major changes are:
– volunteers can report a simple presence/absence record without having to adopt a tree
– everything relating to each survey has been brought together. Report a finding, adopt a tree, read about the survey, or explore the results submitted by other volunteers – all on one page.
– as the number of trees and data has increased on the website, the time taken for the map to load increased. We have introduced some nifty ‘clustering’ icons that group together any data that is located close to other data.