Rebecca Hind working on her latest OneOak watercolour
Artist Rebecca Hind was first featured in October 2009 when we watched her working on watercolour sketches of the OneOak tree in the woodland – read here.
We visited her studio recently to see what progress she had made and were amazed that she has produced no less than five separate paintings. Her beautiful watercolours feature the OneOak tree in various conditions and perfectly capture the seasonal changes in the woodland.
We are excited to be working with Rebecca to showcase her work in the OneOak project during various shows and exhibitions later this year.
“Having gathered visual information about the OneOak in my sketches whilst it was still standing, I have now had time to start working those images into finished paintings. They represent the tree under various conditions of weather, light and season and show its various appearances in the changing forest. Next, I shall visit and paint the clearing as it grows from winter to spring and then summer, feeding on the increased light that floods the space in the absence of the OneOak’s canopy.” Rebecca Hind, March 2010
Find out more about Rebecca’s work: www.rebeccahind.com