Small Woods is holding a Skill Share weekend at the Green Wood Centre in Telford 6-8 September for members. If you want to take part and are not a member currently, you can join before the meeting (see below).
Meet newly appointed Small Woods CEO Mike Bentley, listen to main speakers Gabriel Hemery (Sylva) and John Weir (Forestry Commission), and enjoy a programme of workshops, demonstrations and visits in the beautiful Ironbridge Gorge.
Saturday features a range of speakers including Sylva’s Gabriel Hemery, billed as follows:
“Gabriel is one of our most well known ‘thinkers’ about the future of our woodlands. He will talk about what the Independent Forestry Panel termed ‘Wood Culture’ – the understanding of the central role that woodlands play in the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of Britain and what woodland managers can do to help restore it.”
Saturday concludes with a Foresters Question Time and a barbeque. The agenda for Sunday includes visits to two local woodlands.
For more details about the event visit the Small Woods website. Non-members of Small Woods can attend if they join the organisation at the special price of £25 for their first year’s membership by Direct Debit.
Email Phil Tidey on for more information or to book.