Ash dieback

Ash dieback is predicted to cost £15 billion in Britain

A research paper of considerable importance has been published today, which estimates the cost of ash dieback in Britain to be £15 billion. Sylva Foundation took a central role in the work, the research being led by Oxford-Sylva scholar Dr Louise Hill while she completed her DPhil at the University of Oxford under the Oxford-Sylva Graduate Scholarship programme (now sadly lapsed due to lack of funding). Sylva Foundation CEO Dr Gabriel Hemery acted as an external supervisor for Dr Hill, and is a co-author of the paper.

Supporting forest science - Sylva Scholarship

Help us secure the Sylva scholarship

Sylva supports cutting-edge forest science in a partnership with the Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford by offering a scholarship to DPhil students. We are seeking donors to help us secure our next scholar and, additionally, to help us raise an endowment fund to secure the scholarship in perpetuity. Our first scholar Kirsty Monk…

Chalara – advice to forest visitors

Following on from our recent advice to woodland owners relating to Chalara fraxinea, we wish to make woodland owners aware of some clear posters designed by the Forestry Commission targeted at forest visitors. Two versions have been designed; one for owners with trees infected with Chalara fraxinea, the other for those with healthy trees. To…