The Sylva Foundation will be working in partnership with B&Q, an operating company of Kingfisher PLC, and BioRegional to deliver a ground-breaking scheme to support local woodlands. Kingfisher’s CEO Ian Cheshire announced the partnership as part of the launch of their Net Positive strategy yesterday. The partners will be releasing more news on the details of the scheme in the coming weeks.

This sort of initiative is part of the mix required to bring small-scale woodlands back in from the cold. As far as I’m aware, this is the first time since woodlands and their economic and social roles have been recognised and acted on by a household name. It’s such good news to learn that they can take the long view, recognising that future production depends on more than just taking what happens to be available by default, now. Kingfisher Group are leading the way by investing in the future of woodland, yours & mine included and that’s a cause for optimism.