The Forestry Commission and Natural Resources Wales (NRW) are advising owners to extend their vigilance to ash trees planted up to 20 years ago as a part of work to develop further our under- standing of the impact of the disease on ash of this age. Large quantities of ash were imported from parts of continental Europe where the disease had been present before 2007 and this could mean that the disease was present on a very small proportion of plants imported from the continent at least 10 years ago.
Click on the link below to read the Forestry Commission’s advisory note, including what they would like woodland owners to do if they suspect that ash dieback if affecting their woodland.
The Chalara disease was first discovered in eastern europe in the early 1990’s. Why did the UK allow the continued importation of large quantities of ash from continental europe? The Forestry Commission cannot have been forceful enough advising the UK government to ban all imports. Thank you FC for signing the death warrant of 60 million plus ash trees.