The British Woodlands Survey — this year exploring adaptation to environmental change — is attracting interest from people right across Britain.
We are hugely grateful to all those who have responded. So far over 1200 woodland owners, agents, nursery managers and tree professionals have shared their views and information with us. This is immensely encouraging with over two weeks still to run until we close the survey. The deadline is 15th September.
A simple look at the geography of responses received to date shows that there is under-representation in Scotland, and various regions across Britain. Are you in any of these areas, or can you forward this news item to any contacts and encourage them to take part?
In terms of woodland area represented in survey responses received to date, owners and agents managing more than 10% of all privately-owned forests and woodlands across Britain have completed the survey. We can have some confidence that this representation will provide considerable weight to the findings of the survey.
The more responses received representing the full range of attitudes and experiences among the tree and forestry community, the more robust the scientific findings, and the greater the impact on practice and policy for years to come.
If you haven’t already done so, please do try and find the time (15-20 minutes) to complete the survey.
Thank you.
Early headline results from the survey will be announced at the conference on resilience organised jointly by the Royal Forestry Society & Woodland Trust on 1st October. Read more and book your place.
The British Woodlands Survey 2015 is sponsored by Forestry Commission England, University of Oxford and Woodland Trust, in partnership with the CLA, Climate Ready, Forest Research, Institute of Chartered Foresters, National Forest, Natural England, Royal Forestry Society, Royal Scottish Forestry Society and Small Woods.