Forest Lab

Forest Lab Goes Live

Sylva Foundation is proud to launch an innovative new project for myForest users called Forest Lab,  in partnership with Forest Research. This exciting initiative uses the latest technology to advance knowledge exchange between landowners and scientists; the collection and sharing of data by volunteer ‘stewardship scientists’  aims to improve forest resilience, enhance forest biodiversity, and protect nature and the landscape. 

Ash dieback

Ash dieback is predicted to cost £15 billion in Britain

A research paper of considerable importance has been published today, which estimates the cost of ash dieback in Britain to be £15 billion. Sylva Foundation took a central role in the work, the research being led by Oxford-Sylva scholar Dr Louise Hill while she completed her DPhil at the University of Oxford under the Oxford-Sylva Graduate Scholarship programme (now sadly lapsed due to lack of funding). Sylva Foundation CEO Dr Gabriel Hemery acted as an external supervisor for Dr Hill, and is a co-author of the paper.

Naturetrade homepage

Creating a marketplace for ecosystem services

Over the last five years Sylva Foundation has been collaborating with departments at the University of Oxford to create a marketplace for ecosystem services. The Naturetrade project was funded by the EU’s Life programme. The project has now come to a close and the project consortium is keen to hear from current and potential users about the online marketplace. Please read on to find out more and how to take the survey.