SYLVA has a promotional stand this week at the Institute of Chartered Foresters’ National Conference in Newcastle.
The topic of the conference is “Energy and wood fuel”. The myForest service could play an important role in helping to bring more woodlands into sustainable management, and in connecting the energy market to the resource.
This is a highly relevant conference at a time when there is a real need to wake up the huge number of woodland owners in Britain to the potential for woodland management for biofuel amongst other services and products. A recent study by the University of Oxford ( found that there was a real lack of research knowledge about biofuel, yet a pressing desire to KNOW more. There’s a real role here for MyForest (and Sylva generally) to link owners, managers and science together.
Thanks for your comments Gill. Certainly a massive opportunity and the conference is proving very interesting (writing at it’s half way point).
It is worth pointing out that the proceedings will be written and published by SYLVA and available on our Forestry Horizons website soon