Maximising Economic Benefit in Woodland – Woodland Workshops
Wednesday 10th or Thursday 11th October 2012
Starting 9.30am at Faccombe Village Hall, Faccombe, Hampshire SP11 ODS
The North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty covers 1,730 sq km and is the largest AONB in southern England. Some 23,300 hectares or just over 13% of the North Wessex Downs AONB is wooded. Over a third of this woodland is identified as ancient in origin and over 45% has either a national or local designation for its particular wildlife value. Perhaps most significantly, research has identified that only 44% of this woodland is under active management.
The AONB partnership is seeking to encourage a viable forestry sector that helps to deliver a wide range of public benefits. To this end, the AONB has engaged Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust to deliver a series of workshops and a conference to promote sustainable woodland management.
Using recognised experts from a range of backgrounds these workshops will help provide delegates with the confidence to make and implement the right management decisions for their particular woodlands. Site visits will provide ample opportunity for demonstration and discussion.
Who should attend?
• Woodland owners/ managers
• Private forestry contractors and employees
• Land agents
• Game managers
• Community groups currently managing woodlands
• Conservation professionals
Wednesday 10th is particularly suitable for those involved in management of larger or more commercial woodlands whilst Thursday 11th is suited to those managing smaller or more community led woodlands. Please feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss which workshop may be most appropriate for your requirements.
For further information and how to register please click here.