As part of their literacy work this week, Year 3 and 4 pupils at Woodstock Primary School concentrated on persuasive arguments and debates. Today they held The BIG TREE DEBATE. Should the OneOak tree be felled?
Before the debate children were split into two groups – they then had to come up with reasons for or against in their groups (regardless of their personal view). A class debate was then held and then the children were asked to make a decision at the end based on their own views.
Should the OneOak tree be felled? The Result:
We had great fun debating whether or not the tree should be felled or not. As part of our data handling work the children will also be finding out if: Do more boys than girls in Y4 want the tree to be felled?
I like doing the dubate it was fun and intereting the dabate was about shold we cut the tree down or not, but I thick it shold be cut down becausewe can use it for ferncher and outer useful things.
and if we don’t cut it down dadres thigs will happen such as:a)it will fall on someone b)it will cose a fire and my friend will be homeless c)it will die anyway.
it was fun debating i was on for and had to come up with reasons why we should cut it down.but the other team was against cutting the tree down. which was not cutting the tree down
It was fun doing the debate about the oneoak progect i was against so i want the tree to be cut down i want to do it again.The picture at the top of the page is a picture of the debate.we are going to see it get cut down i hope it is fun.
Doing the debate was great fun!I was the side against it being cut down.There were some very persuasive ideas!:)
It was very fun doing the debate I realy want to do it again.The debate was about if we should cut the tree down or not I think we should cut it down because its taking up to much room we are going to see it get cut soon. The tree is 160 years old it should be cut down because it will fall down eny way. I also think it should be cut down because it is very big and lightning can hit it and make a fire.
i liked debating about the one oak because it was interesting and fun.we wasn’t really fighting though.i really want to do it again because it was really group game up with lots of reasons why we should cut it down and they other group came up of loads as well. They had to come up with reasons why we shouldn’t cut it down.they were all good reasons of going to be cut down any way 🙁
i think it should be cut down because we can make homes for refuges and some shelters for poor people
i think it should be cut down because we can make homes for refuges and some shelters for poor people 🙂
I really enjoyed debating whether the tree should be cut down or not.
I was on the side For,but i actually didn’t want the tree to be cut down so after the debate we got too choose which side we wanted to go on,I picked the opposite side to For I picked against.
It was great fun debating and also very funny.:)
Ithink they should be cut down because it can be dangerous when their are floods and storms.