We met at the tree with Jenny and Mhairi from the Oxfordshire Forest School Service this week.
We are delighted to announce that the Oxfordshire Forest School Service will be a partner in the OneOak project, and that Mhairi MacGillivray-Edwards, an experienced Forest School Leader, will be leading the school visits to the OneOak tree during September and October.
Some 300 children from Years 3 & 4 of six primary schools will be visiting the OneOak tree over the next few weeks. We look forward to reading about their experiences in the woodland and what they think of the tree and our project. We hope that they will join in the blog and post their work on our schools gallery page.
Looking forward to meeting all the children coming to visit the tree over the next few weeks. I have just come back from visiting the tree again this morning to sort out all the exciting activities we are going to be doing. It’s going to be great!
It is great to see young people being provided such an interesting and stimulating opportunity to learn. I wish I had similar opportunities when I was at school. Teaching the message of the need for sustainable use of resources is such an important task and to do so in such an innovative way is very exciting.
I hope the project is very successful!
Thanks Chris – your comments are very much appreciated.
I found out yesterday that my daughters class will be participating in this project and we are all really excited by the idea of it all. What a clever way to help children understand the whole sustainable concept (and learn about so many other things along the way too)Can’t wait for everything to start happening – i will definately be vonlunteering as a helper on any trips!!!!!