Opening of the Wittenhams Community Orchard at the Sylva Wood Centre, 23 March 2017. Photo Jon Lewis, Oxford Mail.
This week the Wittenhams Community Orchard was formally opened by Oxfordshire’s High Sheriff Sarah Taylor.

High Sheriff Sarah Taylor and Sylva Foundation CEO Gabriel Hemery at the opening of the Wittenhams Community Orchard at the Sylva Wood Centre, 23 March 2017. Photo Jon Lewis, Oxford Mail.
The spring showers cleared and the sun came out to shine on the assembled community of CropSharers, funders, neighbours, volunteers and all the children from Long Wittenham Primary School.
It’s been an exciting week in the orchard. On Tuesday the first three beehives arrived for our new Apiary enterprise which is kindly supported by the Rowse Family Trust. On Wednesday CEO Gabriel Hemery talked on Radio Oxford about the orchard and its power in bringing people and trees closer together (listen again from 1:08:30).
Our thanks to Sarah Taylor, High Sheriff of Oxfordshire, and all our supporters. The orchard has been funded by the People’s Postcode Lottery and the Naturesave Trust.