news about OneOak education activities
Niel Nicholson of Nicholson Nurseries visited Bladon Primary school today to help sow the next generation of oak trees. We have already posted the story of how difficult it has been to collect acorns this autumn see here. With help from many of the staff of Blenheim Palace, the total number of seeds collected by…
Collecting seeds (acorns) from the OneOak tree has been a long-standing plan. Unfortunately the tree had other ideas and has produced very few acorns this year. Growing a new generation of oak seedlings is an important part of the project as it will actively demonstrate the cycle of life and the sustainablility of growing trees.…
Several schools have now been out to meet the OneOak and all have had a fantastic time. We have been very lucky with the weather, even this week when it was supposed be pretty wet. Everybody has had a lovely time walking out to the tree and trying to find conkers on the way. Once…
Children from Bladon C of E Primary School visited the OneOak tree this week. Will found a caterpillar on a leaf. We found a tree which has been cut down and Jake found it and we liked to climb on it too. Ben and Jake. When we were being scientists we worked out the height…
We met at the tree with Jenny and Mhairi from the Oxfordshire Forest School Service this week. We are delighted to announce that the Oxfordshire Forest School Service will be a partner in the OneOak project, and that Mhairi MacGillivray-Edwards, an experienced Forest School Leader, will be leading the school visits to the OneOak tree…