The Sylva Foundation is working in partnership with the British Ecological Society to run a half-day CPD and consultation workshop to establish opportunities and constraints to teaching and learning forest ecology in secondary schools.
Teachers and Educators: are you interested in using local woodland near or on your school grounds to carry out ecological investigations, experiments and monitoring that fit with curriculum requirements? Would you like to learn more about forest ecology from Forest Scientists, Foresters and Woodland Owners? The proposed consultation workshop is an excellent opportunity to explore these ideas and benefit from CPD.
Woodland Owners: would you like your woodland to benefit young people through education activities? Are you interested to understand the needs of secondary school teachers when going on woodland visits?
Forest Scientists and Foresters: would you like to share your knowledge of forest ecology, fieldwork and current needs in research of trees and forests? Are you interested to know the content of secondary school curriculum and ways in which young people can inspired to follow careers into Forestry?
The workshop will use participatory methods and fieldwork to answer several key questions:
1. What are the requirements for teaching about forest ecology in the new secondary school curriculum for Key Stages 3-5?
2. How do teachers currently teach forest ecology? For example through case studies, theory, local trips, Field Studies Centres, or in the classroom? What are the barriers or bridges to teaching about forest ecology?
3. What support do teachers and environmental educators need to teach forest ecology and what support do students need who carry out ecological investigations?
4. Can myForest for Education and Sylva’s Forest Science projects support these needs? If so how?
Details and Booking form below
British Ecological Society workshop
Monday 6th July 2015, 1pm -5pm
At the Sylva Foundation offices, Manor House, Little Wittenham, OX14 4RA directions
Workshop Co-ordinator: Jen Hurst , Education Manager,
Participants are asked to pay a booking fee of £10.00 to guarantee their place on this workshop. Funding from the British Ecological Society has enabled the Sylva Foundation to provide this CPD and consultation event at minimal cost. See booking form below.
Lunch: Lunch and drinks will be provided free of charge.
Participants: Twenty participants: Biology and Geography secondary teachers from Key Stages 3 to 5, Environmental Education professionals, Woodland Owners, Forest Ecologists and Foresters.