Day course in Oxford – last places available
A few remaining places are available on our one day course with the Department of Continuing Education at the University of Oxford.
A few remaining places are available on our one day course with the Department of Continuing Education at the University of Oxford.
Jen Hurst has been working recently with the Sylva Foundation to develop our education strategy. As a qualified Forest School Leader Jen is currently working at West Kidlington Primary School. She also works as an Outdoor Learning Specialist for the Hill End Centre and Combe Mill, Oxfordshire. Jen taught Geography at secondary level before setting…
The Sylva Foundation has been gifted land and buildings to develop a centre for innovation in home-grown wood. The generous gift from a private donor was given to help the charity develop . . .
The first of two practical workshops has taken place on woodland management planning and community engagement for people involved in community-owned and -managed woodlands. Free places are available for the second event on 23rd November at Marston Vale . . .
The Living Ash Project has been launched – aiming to identify ash trees with good tolerance to Chalara ash die-back, to sample these trees for further breeding work, and to make this material quickly available to industry. It is a Defra-funded consortium of Earth Trust, Future Trees Trust, Sylva Foundation and Forest Research.
The New Sylva book, sponsored by the Sylva Foundation and to be published by Bloomsbury Publishing, has been listed. Earlier this week the cover design was revealed on the author’s blog (read more).
Two practical workshops on woodland management planning and community engagement are being held for people involved in community-owned and managed woodlands. They are free to . . .
Julia Griffin (B&Q) and the Alistair Yeomans (Sylva Foundation) from the Good Woods project will be speaking at the Woodland Communications day at Horringer Community Centre on the 15th November.
We are pleased to welcome back Robert Penn to Oxford on the 30th November for a seminar to be held at Oxford University’s Department for Continuing Education (OUDCE). Places still available . . .
This week the Naturetrade project officially started with a kick off meeting at European Union offices in Copenhagen. The project is being led by the University of Oxford with the support of the Sylva Foundation. Dr Peter Long (University of Oxford) and Alistair Yeomans (Sylva Foundation) attended the meeting, and gave a presentation on the…