4000 hectares and counting

Interest in the myForest service continues to to grow, with the addition of another 1000 hectares of woodlands this month.  We were particularly encouraged during September to see new woodlands being added in Wales, the north of England and in Scotland. We hope that our recent promotional efforts at the APF2010 will have raised awareness…

For he’s a Fellow

Sylva’s CEO, Dr Gabriel Hemery, has been promoted to Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Foresters (ICF). Gabriel has been active in the ICF, being technical co-ordinator for a national conference and writing the proceedings for three of them (2008, 2009 and 2010).  He has acted as examiner for professional membership examinations for a number…

myForest Service at APF 2010

This week we have been meeting people who make a living in the forestry sector at  Europe’s largest exhibition: APF 2010.  The exhibition is held every two years, and this year was held at Cannock Chase in Staffordshire. We are grateful to our main partner in the myForest Service, ConFor, for allowing us to share…

myForest stand at APF 2010

We are looking forward to exhibiting at the APF 2010 show between 23-25 September. The APF is the forest industry’s showcase and typically attracts over 15,000 visitors.  Read more. With thanks to our partners ConFor for allowing us to share their stand (Stand I 1&2 – next to the PoleClimbing) to jointly promote the myForest…