Congratulations to Dr Kirsty Monk
Congratulations to Dr Kirsty Monk, our first Oxford-Sylva scholar (2010-14), who passed her DPhil viva voce last week!
Congratulations to Dr Kirsty Monk, our first Oxford-Sylva scholar (2010-14), who passed her DPhil viva voce last week!
This week we took delivery of a brand new product sourced from British forests. The thermally-modified hardwood cladding will be used on the first building at the Sylva Wood Centre.
Join Sylva’s Jen Hurst and Master Craftsman Philip Koomen for a ‘forest to furniture’ talk and tour of the stunning wood craft exhibition on 21st March at the River and Rowing Museum.
Fifteen environmental educators, forest school leaders and teachers met with the Sylva team to develop an innovative follow-on project to OneOak – due to be launched nationally in September 2015.
Welcome to Sylva’s latest enews. We start with an apology for last week’s complete outage of online services. Due to a problem with our server hosting the entire suite of websites and databases went offline for several days. This also affected our enews, which was not sent out last Friday. On a more positive note…
With building work on track to complete this month, we are pleased to have attracted a number of wood-based businesses. Sheltered incubation facilities are available for new busineses, and we invite expressions of interest.
“We base all our work on sound evidence, so investing in top-quality science is an important strand in our strategy. The scholarship allows us to foster champion environmental scientists of the future through a close working relationship with a leading university, meaning that our work will have a lasting legacy.”
A report published today reveals that private forestry in the UK is falling well short of standards of best practice relating to adaptation to environmental change. While forestry professionals are partially aware and active in planning for environmental change, many woodland owners are largely unprepared.
There remains a unique opportunity to house your wood-based business at the Sylva Wood Centre in Oxfordshire – only one commercial unit remaining.
Resilient Woodland Management – unlocking the economic, social and environmental benefits of woodlands in the Forest of Dean. Spaces available for event on Saturday 17th January, run by the Resilience Centre.