nurturing a wood culture, growing a future

The Goodwill Partnership

Sylva Foundation joins with The Goodwill Partnership

Trees and woodland take a lifetime to mature so changes we make now to the way we plant and look after them will benefit both current and future generations. That’s why leaving a gift in your Will to a charity like Sylva Foundation could be a wonderful, enduring demonstration of your commitment to the environment, wildlife and sustainable living for generations to come. Sylva Foundation has recently joined with The Goodwill Partnership to help support legacy giving to the charity.

British Woodlands Survey 2017

Help shape the future of forestry

Devolution, pests & pathogens, Brexit, emerging markets, climate change, societal attitudes . . . these are just some of the momentous factors influencing our trees and woodlands, those who care for them, and those who rely on their products and services. Have your say about what these and other issues mean to you by taking part in Britain’s only dedicated national survey about our woodlands and forestry: the British Woodlands Survey 2017.