Artweeks at the Sylva Wood Centre
Now our first weekend is behind us, we’re looking forward to opening our doors to the Sylva Wood Centre again next weekend. We will be open from Saturday 26th to Monday 28th, from 1000 to 1700.
nurturing a wood culture, growing a future
Now our first weekend is behind us, we’re looking forward to opening our doors to the Sylva Wood Centre again next weekend. We will be open from Saturday 26th to Monday 28th, from 1000 to 1700.
Sylva Wood Centre craftsman, Alistair Buchan, talks about his journey becoming a furniture designer maker.
We’re sure that many of our readers have been bombarded with opt-in messages from online accounts and newsletters, all in readiness for the impending General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). As you originally opted in to receive the Sylva enews we are not asking you to do so again, but we have always included an ‘opt-out’…
The deadline of 8th May is fast approaching for responses to government’s public consultation about the future for food, farming, and the environment. We urge everyone with an interest in trees, woodlands, and forestry to respond.
Creating forest school standards, benefits for children, and the future of the forest school movement — Sarah Lawfull provides a helpful introduction to forest school.
“Sometimes you have to check,” writes Ruth Pavey in her book, A Wood of One’s Own, “just in case life means you to do a somersault.” Join us at WoodWords 2018 to hear about her own modest upheaval – buying a piece of land at auction on the Somerset Levels, with a view to creating a new woodland.
BBC Countryfile described Neil Ansell’ s book, The Last Wilderness, as: ‘A gem of a book, an extraordinary tale. Ansell’s rich prose will transport you to a real life Narnian world that C.S.Lewis would have envied. Find your deepest, most comfortable armchair and get away from it all’. Neil Ansell is one of five top…
We’re looking forward to opening the doors to the Sylva Wood Centre during Oxfordshire Artweeks. This year we will be open from 10am to 5pm on the weekends of 19/20 and 26/27/28 May.
In his latest book Around the World in 80 Trees Jonathan Drori CBE — trustee of the Eden Project, Ambassador for the WWF and former trustee of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew — uses plant science to illustrate how trees play a role in every part of human life; from the romantic to the regrettable to the downright ridiculous.
The Charter for Trees, Woods and People, launched in 2017, continues to result in media interest and actions on the ground. News about the Charter Poles, plus formation of the new Tree Charter UK Board.