nurturing a wood culture, growing a future
Sylva’s myForest Service continues to go from strength to strength. This month the total area of woodlands mapped by woodland owners or agents exceeded 5300 hectares. It was also exciting to see woodlands in Northern Ireland appearing on the webmap for the first time, together with further interest in Scotland.
Our original estimate that the OneOak tree was about 160 years old was very inaccurate. Dendrochronology research has revealed that it first grew from its acorn in 1788, making it 222 years old when it was felled in January 2010.
Students from Rycotewood Furniture Centre, part of Oxford & Cherwell College, have started working with our five OneOak partner schools. Over the next few months they will be working closely with the same children who had watched the OneOak tree being felled last January, to design and build outdoor furniture for each school, made from…
The Sylva Foundation is working with Best Foot Forward and TRADA on a new research project for the Forestry Commission.
Sylva Scholarship launched with University of Oxford:- healthy trees and productive forests.
The winners of our 2010 OneOak competition visited the Blenheim woodland today to receive their prizes. Would you know how much a whole oak tree weighs? Over the summer the Sylva Foundation invited people to guess the weight of a massive oak tree, the OneOak tree felled in January this year, as part of their…
Interest in the myForest service continues to to grow, with the addition of another 1000 hectares of woodlands this month. We were particularly encouraged during September to see new woodlands being added in Wales, the north of England and in Scotland. We hope that our recent promotional efforts at the APF2010 will have raised awareness…
Sylva’s CEO, Dr Gabriel Hemery, has been promoted to Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Foresters (ICF). Gabriel has been active in the ICF, being technical co-ordinator for a national conference and writing the proceedings for three of them (2008, 2009 and 2010). He has acted as examiner for professional membership examinations for a number…
This week we have been meeting people who make a living in the forestry sector at Europe’s largest exhibition: APF 2010. The exhibition is held every two years, and this year was held at Cannock Chase in Staffordshire. We are grateful to our main partner in the myForest Service, ConFor, for allowing us to share…
Children of Bladon C of E Primary School recently travelled to the Weald Wood Fair in East Sussex to receive their first prize in the Excellence in forestry awards from the Royal Forestry Society. The school were awarded the prestigious prize for their work in the OneOak project with the Sylva Foundation during 2009 and…