CEO interview on German world radio
Our CEO, Dr Gabriel Hemery, was interviewed recently for the Living Planet programme on German world radio Deutsche Welle. Listen to the Living Planet programme.
nurturing a wood culture, growing a future
Our CEO, Dr Gabriel Hemery, was interviewed recently for the Living Planet programme on German world radio Deutsche Welle. Listen to the Living Planet programme.
myForest users can now print maps using a new feature available on their account pages. The feature allows users to print your area maps overlaid on an OS background layer. This uses the new OS Openspace system, which we aim to incorporate throughout the site in the near future.
Sylva’s CEO, Gabriel Hemery, will be cycling 15 miles through London and visiting three inner city schools to plant trees on 23rd March. He is one of thirty tree professionals who aim to raise money to support important research to battle Acute Oak Decline. He is looking for sponsors to help him reach, and hopefully…
The planting of a new oak forest in our OneOak project was featured in the Oxford Mail, on Tuesday 1st February.
One hundred guests, including children from our partner primary schools, returned to the site where the OneOak tree was felled one year ago to celebrate and to plant a new oak forest.
Rodas Irving’s beautiful commemorative garden bench has been completed. Rodas hand-carved some lettering on the bench for his client. Read more about Rodas Irving’s work in the OneOak project Visit Rodas Irving’s blog
Sylva scholar research work gets underway in the woodlands of Oxfordshire
Our Chief Executive, Dr Gabriel Hemery, appeared on the BBC Newsnight Programme on Wednesday 26th, in a film about the Government’s proposal to sell elements of the public forest estate in England.
The Forestry Regulation Task Force has been set up to look at whether and how the regulatory burden on forest-based business and woodland owners in England can be reduced.
The OneOak tree germinated the same year as The Times was first published, by the Battle of Trafalgar was as tall as a two story building, was 47 years old when Charles Darwin visited the Galapagos Islands …