nurturing a wood culture, growing a future
Thanks to support from FC Scotland and a strong drive for collaboration between owners of small woodlands in Argyll, we are piloting new co-operation tools within the myForest Service. If you run, or want to run, a co-operative for small woodland owners we’d love to hear from you.
A unit is available to rent from the Sylva Foundation by any business connected with designing or making with wood.
We are excited to announce that the Sylva Foundation will be moving its offices to a new purpose-designed timber building at the Sylva Wood Centre.
This week architecture students and tutors from Wolverhampton University visited the Sylva Wood Centre. They are taking part in the TRADA national student competition: Arboreal.
In a progression of our work with Forestry Commission Scotland we are pleased to announce that woodland owners and managers in Scotland are able to create Felling Licence applications through myForest.
Last weekend architectural students and tutors from Coventry University visited the Sylva Wood Centre as they started work on the 2016 TRADA design competition, called Arboreal.
The Sylva Foundation is proud to be among 43 organisations taking part in a campaign—led by the Woodland Trust—celebrating the value of our trees and woods, and helping to secure their future, with the creation of a new Charter for Trees, Woods and People.
The New Sylva would make a perfect gift for someone special to you who loves trees and nature. All proceeds to charity. Date for last Christmas orders 17th December.
A small cheer was heard in our forestry team this week when the area of woodland across the UK supported by our myForest service topped 40,000 hectares (100,000 acres)
Today the Strategic Environmental and Economic Investment Plan for Oxfordshire (SEEIP) was launched, aiming to deliver economic growth in Oxfordshire up to 2030. Sylva has helped bring together a range of organisations under the Oxfordshire Forestry Accord to maximise the value of the county’s woodlands.