nurturing a wood culture, growing a future
SYLVA has a promotional stand this week at the Institute of Chartered Foresters’ National Conference in Newcastle. The topic of the conference is “Energy and wood fuel”. The myForest service could play an important role in helping to bring more woodlands into sustainable management, and in connecting the energy market to the resource.
Peter Barrington says the felling on an oak has helped understanding of trees and woodland management. Oxford Times, Weekend, pp. 26-27, Thursday, April 22nd 2010 Read online
Peter Barrington says the felling on an oak has helped understanding of trees and woodland management. Oxford Times, Weekend, pp. 26-27, Thursday, April 22nd 2010 Read more
Moss expert or Bryologist Jacqueline Wright collected moss samples from the OneOak tree on the day that it was felled. Jacqueline volunteers for Shotover Wildlife which is a voluntary organisation founded to research and communicate the importance of Shotover Hill for wildlife. Jacqueline has written the following article for the OneOak project. Green Fuzz! Mosses…
SYLVA CEO, Dr Gabriel Hemery, gave a presentation today at the Forest Research conference “Trees, woods and forests in British society” in Edinburgh. His talk, entitled “Britain’s lost wood culture”, was an invited think-piece and challenged the 100+ delegates to think about the understanding-gap between people and the management of our woods. He compared the…
The April 2010 ( #38 ) issue of ConFor’s magazine, Forestry and Timber News contains a full page article promoting the myForest service to the forestry sector at large.
Today we launched a forum for the myForest service at As the myForest website becomes more popular we hope that the forum will be a useful feature for everyone with an interest in the UK woodchain, from woodland owners to wood users, and everyone in between.
“The Sylva Foundation has launched a new approach to raising awareness of the uses and management of timber.” Tree News, Spring / Summer 2010, p. 23.
A twenty minute film about the OneOak project has been made by Country Channel TV. It is now being broadcast on their internet TV website. To watch the film click on the logo below. The 20 minute programme will also be shown on Sky channel 171 on the following dates: Thursday 8th April at…
A twenty minute film about the OneOak project has been made by Country Channel TV. It is now being broadcast on their internet TV website. To watch the film online click on the logo below. The 20 minute programme will also be shown on Sky channel 171 on the following dates: Thursday 8th April at…