nurturing a wood culture, growing a future
The Winter lecture series at the Architectural Association’s Woodland Campus at Hooke Park, has been announced. Sylva Foundation’s Dr Gabriel Hemery is part of the line up of speakers this year. He will be talking about woodland culture and the making of The New Sylva on Wednesday 2nd December.
This week we are excited to be listing in the auction perhaps some of the most impressive and iconic images from the book. These include the cedar of Lebanon featured in the frontispiece, and the box woodland at the Chequers Estate (the Prime Minister’s residence) that adorns the cover of The New Sylva.
PhD student Jennifer Kirby, working at the University of Birmingham, is looking for volunteers to help in a project aiming to reduce the impact of autumn leaf fall on train travel.
Last week we were pleased to welcome to the Sylva Wood Centre staff and 19 students undertaking their second year studies for the Foundation Degree (FdA) at Rycotewood Furniture Centre, Oxford City College.
We are delighted to announce that Dr Philip Koomen has been appointed as the Sylva Foundation’s Furniture and Wood Special Advisor.
Environmental charity seeks dynamic individual to develop and lead our fundraising activities. The Development Officer will be responsible for developing and implementing Sylva Foundation’s fundraising strategy, securing income and managing relationships with donors. We offer a competitive salary, flexible working conditions, and a great working environment in rural Oxfordshire.
9/10 woodland owners and other forestry professionals who responded to a national survey about environmental change in British woodlands say they had observed at least one form of impact in the past 10 years. The headline results are released today and being presented at a conference hosted jointed by the Royal Forestry Society and Woodland Trust.
Forestry Commission Scotland, Royal Scottish Forestry Society and the Sylva Foundation have come together to help foster sustainable forest management in Scotland. From today a suite of dedicated forest management tools are available to support woodland owners and managers in Scotland via the Sylva Foundation’s myForest service. Forestry Commission Scotland have made available their new…
The Sycamore Group of the Future Trees Trust are looking for two 1ha sites in the UK (northern England and southern England) to establish progeny trials of sycamore. The trees have been raised in Ireland with seed from a qualified seed orchard. This seed orchard is comprised of plus trees selected from across the UK and…
We have received a fantastic response to our national survey on woodland resilience and environmental change. By popular demand we have extended the deadline until next week. If you haven’t already done so, please do try and find the time to air your views and opinions about this important subject.