nurturing a wood culture, growing a future
Terry Hardaker, artist and woodcarver, has started work on a relief carving on the OneOak tree made from the tree’s own wood. Terry is carving an image some 48 x 60cm in size, weighing 11 kilos, from one of the offcuts from a longer board used by a furniture maker. Terry works with traditional woodcarvers’…
Forest Research and the Food & Environment Research Agency (Fera) are working to eradicate a breeding population of Asian longhorn beetle found in the Paddock Wood area of Maidstone in Kent. The Asian longhorn beetle, native to China, poses a serious threat to a wide range of broadleaved trees. It has caused extensive damage to…
We will be at the University of Oxford’s Museum of Natural History this Saturday 21st April for Oxfordshire Goes Wild. Staff will be meeting visitors to the OneOak exhibition, that has one week to go before closing, where we will be talking trees and holding a fun quiz. We will be joined by various wildlife…
Designer-Maker Jody Koomen has shared with us a model of the coffee table that he will be making using wood from the OneOak tree. He is using offcuts from his father Phil Koomen, also a Designer-Maker, so that very little usable wood is wasted. Read more about the Father & Son Designer-Makers
Our TreeWatch web platform has received a major update following feedback from partners and volunteers during our 2011 pilot. We hope that our new strapline captures perfectly the importance of our work in supporting a healthy future for our trees with the help of everyone with an interest in nature and trees … “People…
We announced recently that the judging had taken place of entries by Rycotewood students into the OneOak fine furniture competition – read more. We are delighted to announce the two winners. They are Matt Wakeham (18) and Harry Friday (19). We asked Matt and Harry to tell us more about themselves and their entries into…
Another milestone was reached last week when the area of woodland mapped on the myForest service passed the 12,000 hectares mark. We still have plenty of work to do in helping to support Britain’s woodland owners in managing their trees and forests, and in improving links between growers and wood users. There are probably in excess of…
Beautiful prints for sale of the OneOak tree portrait by internationally-renowned artist Sarah Simblet
Some OneOak timber has been used in the building of a Trow by traditional shipbuilders in Gloucester. The ship will sail in a flotilla of one thousand ships on the River Thames in June, to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen’s reign of sixty years. The Pageant on the River Thames will celebrate the Diamond Jubilee,…
As part of the Chilterns LEADER project a myForest inventory and mapping meeting will be held at the Pavilion, Newlands Lane, Stoke Row (for the Cricket pitch). The meeting will start with an indoor presentation by Alistair Yeomans of the Sylva Foundation on the myForest woodland inventory toolkit, to help with the gathering of…