nurturing a wood culture, growing a future
Maps for management plans – developing the myForest woodland mapping system Following feedback from myForest users and the Forestry Commission England (FCE) we are working currently to develop myForest’s woodland mapping system to create the maps required for the FCE’s grant schemes. Richard Edwards from LC Energy has been working with Sylva to identify the requirements…
This Sunday, 3rd June, look out for the Herefordshire Bull – a traditional Trow built to take part in her Majesty the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Pageant on the River Thames in London. Regular readers will know that the transom beam of the boat was made from the timber of the OneOak tree, and you can…
Designer-maker Robert Ingham has shared with us more photos of his work in creating the OneOak throne chair. Talking about his work Robert said that it was a “Metamorphosis: the progression of an oak tree from Blenheim Palace to a quarter sawn board to the concept of a design and the incredible challenge to convert…
Sylva has teamed up with the UK’s leading gardening charity, the Royal Horticultural Society, to launch the 2012 pear rust survey under our TreeWatch initiative. The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) is working with the Sylva Foundation to run a survey in the TreeWatch initiative to map the incidences of European pear rust across the country.…
The Hereford Bull, a new boat built by T Nielsen in the traditional style of a Wye Trow, was named at a ceremony in Hereford City centre on 12th May. The Trow included timber from our OneOak project, which was used to make the Transom Beam. Watch a short film showing the naming ceremony: Read…
This week we have launched two new surveys at TreeWatch. Both relate to the health of our oak trees and we asking members of the public for their help. Both surveys have been developed jointly with scientists from Forest Research and we will be sharing the scientific data we collect them to help in their…
One of our OneOak Makers, Philip Koomen, was featured last week in an excellent article in The Oxford Times. Also, our CEO Dr Gabriel Hemery gave a talk at Philip’s workshops last weekend as part of Oxfordshire Artweeks. You can read The Oxford Times article here
Although it is two years until The New Sylva will be published by Bloomsbury, supported by the Sylva Foundation, planning is now well underway. Authors Gabriel Hemery and Sarah Simblet (Sylva’s Artist in Residence) met recently with Bloomsbury editors, Richard Atkinson and Natalie Hunt. Book length has now been decided (over 400 pages), the timetable…
Dr Gabriel Hemery donned his full waterproofs earlier this week to get stuck in to some fungal fieldwork with Sylva Scholar Kirsty Monk in Wytham woods. This was part of an experiment to study the distributions of cord-forming fungi at 20m and 2.5m scales. Results of this experiment will help uncover some of the factors…
Making the most of woodlands Practical workshop on woodland management planning and stakeholder engagement The Sylva Foundation, BioRegional and the Forestry Commission warmly invite you to attend this free event which aims to help you identify and realise the opportunities which…