Web-based platform revealed at NaturEtrade workshop
Another successful workshop for the EU/University of Oxford-funded LIFE+ project NaturEtrade was hosted by Sylva Foundation, where the new web-based platform currently in development was revealed.
nurturing a wood culture, growing a future
Another successful workshop for the EU/University of Oxford-funded LIFE+ project NaturEtrade was hosted by Sylva Foundation, where the new web-based platform currently in development was revealed.
It’s just two weeks to go until we open the doors of the Sylva Wood Centre for Oxfordshire ArtWeeks: 14-22 May. We look forward to welcoming you.
Tickets are still available to this exciting event: the inaugural WoodWords™ literary evening. Listen to and meet authors Richard Fortey, Gabriel Hemery, Rob Penn and Paul Sellers. Book now to avoid disappointment.
Last Saturday we hosted our first woodworking course at the Sylva Wood Centre. The course was organised on behalf of the Oxfordshire Natural Beekeeping Group.
The National Forest was humming with discussions about woodland management and forest education at the latest myForest for Education training workshop.
We are delighted to welcome Paul Sellers as our latest business at the Sylva Wood Centre. Paul is an internationally-renowned woodworking teacher and a leading advocate for his craft, reaching many thousands of people by recording instructional videos of woodworking techniques.
A young sapling raised from a remarkable oak tree⸺once the focus for our national education and arts project⸺has been planted by children in an Oxfordshire school.
Forest owners, managers and policy-makers may remain unaware of the potential that the use of forest genetic resources offers for facilitating the adaptation of forests to climate change. We summarise the latest guidelines for foresters in England.
We are excited to announce that our first app is now live in the Apple store – the new AshTag app. Can you help scientists find the next generation of healthy ash trees?