nurturing a wood culture, growing a future
Our fantastic voluntary film crew have produced a new film of the OneOak felling. Eight hours is condensed into just four minutes, capturing the peace of the woodland at dawn and then the arrival of 250 children and several hundred guests to watch the felling. Watch as the tree surgeon scales the tree to prepare…
Today we reached a major milestone in the OneOak project as the OneOak tree was sawn at Deep in Wood sawmill. Owner and sawmiller James Binning invited some of the future users of the wood to watch the sawing. Guests included Joe Bray and 13 students from Rycotewood Furniture Centre, green wood furniture designer-maker Rodas…
Sawmillers James and John Binning from Deep in Wood sawmill brought their forwarder and heavy lifting equipment to extract the OneOak timber today. In contrast to the weather on the day of the felling, Blenheim’s woodland was bathed in glorious winter sunshine. They lifted the three main lengths of timber from the OneOak tree onto…
We have published a slideshow of pictures showing the drama of the OneOak felling and launch on YouTube.
We have published a slideshow of pictures showing the drama of the OneOak felling and launch on YouTube. Visit: OneOak felling and launch in pictures
Oxford-based artist Sarah Simblet has been working with us to capture the beauty of the OneOak tree. We are privileged to have had a sneak preview of her unfinished drawing of the OneOak tree. It perfectly depicts the grandeur of the OneOak tree and the tangled mass of its branches. Sarah Simblet Author of the…
British Woodworking Feb/Mar 2010. p.68-71. “With timber Britain’s fifth largest import, we report on campaigns to raise awareness of the value of managing woods for wood.” “One the 20th January, with snow swirling, more than 200 primary school children could be found at Bladon Heath on the Duke of Marlborough’s Blenheim estate in Oxfordshire.” British…
Yeomans A, Hemery G. (2010) Prospects for the market supply of wood and other forest products from areas with fragmented forest-ownership structures: England case study. Contract report for ConFor and CEPF: Sylva Foundation. 55. See
The first product from the OneOak tree was made on the day of the felling – January 20th 2010. Local firewood merchant Trees & Gardens brought their firewood processor to the Blenheim Estate woodland and produced about 1 cubic metre of oak firewood logs. They weighed 460kg. The logs will now be stored until seasoned…
The OneOak project was launched publicly yesterday with the felling of the 160 year old oak tree. More than 400 people braved the snow and sleet to walk into the wood on the Blenheim Estate. Two hundred and fifty primary school children displayed work that they had been doing under the project for other guests…