nurturing a wood culture, growing a future
Sylva’s Annual Review for the year 2011-12 has been published. Our outgoing Chair of Trustees Sir Martin Wood wrote: “Now in our third year, Sylva’s charitable initiatives are delivering in diverse and innovative ways, and we have many exciting projects in the pipeline.” In his report he outlined the highlights of the year, concluding: “And…
It’s not too late to take part in the 2012 TreeWatch surveys. Whether you are an existing volunteer or have just come across our exciting citizen science project, take part in one of our surveys. Survey of horse chestnut leaf miner – Survey of European pear rust, run jointly with the Royal Horticultural Society…
The OneOak project is now nearing completion, as we prepare to move our exhibition from Blenheim Palace, where it has been since late July, to Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (opening October 12th). While all our original makers completed their work in readiness for our Summer exhibitions, a few additional makers have approached us, all keen…
Biodiversity Institute Symposium – Biodiversity technologies 27th and 28th of September, 2012 Biodiversity Institute, Department of Zoology, South Parks Road, University of Oxford, OX1 3PS The Biodiversity Institute’s research theme on Biodiversity Technologies aims to engage in agenda-setting research from which it develops web-based tools that enable an easy identification of species and the assessment…
Maximising Economic Benefit in Woodland – Woodland Workshops Wednesday 10th or Thursday 11th October 2012 Starting 9.30am at Faccombe Village Hall, Faccombe, Hampshire SP11 ODS The North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty covers 1,730 sq km and is the largest AONB in southern England. Some 23,300 hectares or just over 13% of the…
Throughout the month of August the British Woodland 2012 survey is still live and online. We are aiming to canvass the views of as many woodland owners and managers about the challenges and opportunities currently facing British Woodlands. The survey contibutes to an important time series of surveys that have been carried out by Cambridge…
Watercolour Artist Rebecca Hind is holding a one day masterclass called The Colours of Sylva. It will be held in the stunning surroundings of the Blenheim Estate on 1st September. The course will focus on watercolour painting of the beautiful trees. Read more and find out how to book
Wytham Wood – Woodland Management and Wildlife Conservation Day Date: Thursday 23rd August Location: University Field Station, Wytham, Oxfordshire OX2 8QQ Organiser: Oxford Nature Conservation Forum Contact: Hilary Phillips – – Please contact Hilary to reserve your place or with any questions. Cost: £12 Oxford Nature Conservation Forum members, £15 non-members Target audience: Anyone…
OneOak Blenheim Exhibition – 25th July to 4th October The OneOak Exhibition, telling the full life story of one oak tree, will be on display in the Pleasure Gardens at Blenheim Palace between 25th July to 4th October. In January 2010 a 222 year old oak tree, growing in woodland on the Blenheim Palace Estate, was…
A unique project following the full life story of a single oak tree reaches a finale this week, with the first of a series of manor exhibitions at Art in Action, where all the items made from the tree are being brought together for the first time. The products range from the waste sawdust used…