nurturing a wood culture, growing a future

Sylva Foundation Annual Review 2011-12

Annual Review 2011-12 published

Sylva’s Annual Review for the year 2011-12 has been published. Our outgoing Chair of Trustees Sir Martin Wood wrote: “Now in our third year, Sylva’s charitable initiatives are delivering in diverse and innovative ways, and we have many exciting projects in the pipeline.” In his report he outlined the highlights of the year, concluding: “And…


TreeWatch surveys 2012

It’s not too late to take part in the 2012 TreeWatch surveys. Whether you are an existing volunteer or have just come across our exciting citizen science project, take part in one of our surveys. Survey of horse chestnut leaf miner – Survey of European pear rust, run jointly with the Royal Horticultural Society…

myForest at the Biodiversity Symposium, University of Oxford – 27th and 28th of September

Biodiversity Institute Symposium – Biodiversity technologies 27th and 28th of September, 2012 Biodiversity Institute, Department of Zoology, South Parks Road, University of Oxford, OX1 3PS The Biodiversity Institute’s research theme on Biodiversity Technologies aims to engage in agenda-setting research from which it develops web-based tools that enable an easy identification of species and the assessment…

Wytham Wood – Woodland Management and Wildlife Conservation Day

Wytham Wood – Woodland Management and Wildlife Conservation Day Date: Thursday 23rd August Location: University Field Station, Wytham, Oxfordshire OX2 8QQ Organiser: Oxford Nature Conservation Forum Contact: Hilary Phillips – – Please contact Hilary to reserve your place or with any questions. Cost: £12 Oxford Nature Conservation Forum members, £15 non-members Target audience: Anyone…