T20Q global survey is live
Launching to coincide with Forests Asia the global online survey is now live via the T20Q project. Add your voice to the conversation about what is important in forestry and landscapes.
nurturing a wood culture, growing a future
Launching to coincide with Forests Asia the global online survey is now live via the T20Q project. Add your voice to the conversation about what is important in forestry and landscapes.
Over three hundred woodland owners have completed a self-assessment of their woodland using the Woodland Star Rating.
Eight Good Woods visits have taken place in the New Forest in the first year of the project. Project partners met with members of the local woodland community carrying out coppicing and thinning operations at Honeylake Wood, New Milton.
Launched today in Indonesian, T20Q or top twenty questions for forestry and landscapes, is a global project that allows everyone to have a say about issues of importance.
The Living Ash Project is asking members of the public to report information about the health of ash trees. They are especially interested in those that may have some tolerance to the disease that is threatening Britain’s second-most common broadleaved tree – Chalara ash dieback. The Living Ash Project aims to identify trees that are…
To celebrate the 350th anniversary of John Evelyn’s landmark work, Sylva, two major exhibitions featuring drawings of British trees and woodland, made by our artist-in-residence Sarah Simblet, open today.
The Royal Forestry Society, Small Woods Association and the Sylva Foundation have formed a partnership – working together to support woodland owners in caring for their woodlands.
Copies of The New Sylva have been selling fast in our online shop. We are the only online shop offering copies signed by both authors – plus all proceeds go towards our charitable work caring for forests.
Multilingual T20Q launched today – bienvenue à T20Q – bienvenido a T20Q
To mark the publication of The New Sylva, Bloomsbury Publishing have released a digital sampler of the book.