TreeWatch – can you help?
The Tree Council, one of our partners in TreeWatch, has published an article encouraging volunteers to get involved. You can read it here
nurturing a wood culture, growing a future
The Tree Council, one of our partners in TreeWatch, has published an article encouraging volunteers to get involved. You can read it here
An article about myForest was published in the Forestry Commission’s South East news this month. You can read it here
Our stand at Art in Action at Waterperry seemed to attract a lot of interest. We received a good write up in the Oxford Mail and local papers (despite the typo of our name). Read more
Nicholsons kindly provided SYLVA with a space at their stand at the CLA game fair held at Ragley Hall, Warwichshire from 23rd – 25th July.
Our stand at Art in Action at Waterperry attracted a lot of interest. We received a good write up in the Oxford Mail and local papers (despite the typo of our name). Read more
We asked people to identify the most important questions facing forestry:- 480 people helped turn 1600 questions into a Top Ten. The results have been published in a journal.
Craftsman and traditional green woodworker Martin Damen has been busy carving one of the first items to be made from the OneOak tree. He agreed to hand carve a bowl from one of its mighty branches and to donate it as a prize for our Guess the weight of the tree competition (read more). The…
We are delighted to launch our latest initiative today: TreeWatch. TreeWatch is a ‘citizen science’ project that aims, with the help of the public, to keep a watchful eye on the health of trees across Europe. It is being launched as a pilot for 2010 in partnership with the Tree Council and Earthwatch, and in…
Children from Bladon CofE Primary School visited the OneOak site last week – or as some children called it the ‘NoOak’ site! They explored the star-shaped tree stump and marvelled at how different the woodland looked compared to when they last visited: sun instead of snow, brackens and ferns rather than mud, and a large…
Dendrologist Daniel Miles, of Oxford Dendrochronology Laboratory, has started work on the samples he collected from the OneOak tree when it was felled in January. Work in studying the tree rings to estimate the tree’s age and to look at its growth history is not yet complete. However, Daniel has revealed some stunning news: All…