Impact of grey squirrels on trees and woods – have your say
The RFS is calling for evidence from woodland owners and managers of their experience and views of the impact of grey squirrels on trees and woods
nurturing a wood culture, growing a future
The RFS is calling for evidence from woodland owners and managers of their experience and views of the impact of grey squirrels on trees and woods
The Royal Forestry Society has joined our partnership supporting SilviFuture- an online database promoting and sharing knowledge about novel timber tree species growing in real forestry conditions.
Sylva’s day course, run in association with the Department of Continuing Education at the University of Oxford, attracted some 35 delegates on Saturday. Delegates were introduced to many examples of agents for change. Whether they were books, art, television, research or technology.
A Good Woods visit to a Planted Ancient Woodland Site helps the owner on the long haul towards to improving the condition of her woodland. Jane will be completing a management plan and . . .
A new Woodlands for Climate Change Award has been launched as part of the 2014 Royal Forestry Society Excellence in Forestry Awards.
A very special limited first edition of The New Sylva is being considered by Bloomsbury Publishing, and all profits from its sale will go to the Sylva Foundation. The limited edition will interest bibliophiles, book collectors, fans of artist Sarah Simblet, and anyone with a special interest in trees and forests. Not only could you…
A few remaining places are available on our one day course with the Department of Continuing Education at the University of Oxford.
Jen Hurst has been working recently with the Sylva Foundation to develop our education strategy. As a qualified Forest School Leader Jen is currently working at West Kidlington Primary School. She also works as an Outdoor Learning Specialist for the Hill End Centre and Combe Mill, Oxfordshire. Jen taught Geography at secondary level before setting…
The Sylva Foundation has been gifted land and buildings to develop a centre for innovation in home-grown wood. The generous gift from a private donor was given to help the charity develop . . .
The first of two practical workshops has taken place on woodland management planning and community engagement for people involved in community-owned and -managed woodlands. Free places are available for the second event on 23rd November at Marston Vale . . .